Improving Eilat’s public image while minimizing negative online responses.
Promoting the advantages of Eilat as the ideal winter vacation destination.
Connecting tourists with the locals.
Eilatis Love 2 Host
The Strategy
The purpose of this initiative is to connect the various audiences with those service providers whose services directly affect the tourist in different segments of hospitality, such as diving, desert trips, cuisine, entertainment, etc. This is accomplished by capturing and portraying the life stories of the service providers and highlighting their love of hosting.
Advertising Strategy
We have created a dedicated Facebook page featuring a series of clips highlighting Eilat as a tourism hotspot.
Radio, TV and press articles.
Target Audience
Campaign Clip Examples
It has become clear to us that irrespective of the available activities in Eilat during winter, all articles that are published online regarding accommodation options in Eilat are accompanied by negative reactions and critical and harsh discourse about the city, primarily focusing on the extremely high prices and a lack of activities.
Establishing a Competitive Advantage
Eilat residents are by nature hosts. ‘Eilatis are accustomed to hosting family, friends and acquaintances throughout their lives, and no holiday or summer goes by without receiving a call from someone they know saying, ‘I’m on my way to Eilat’ and then suddenly ‘landing in your living room’! We all have mattresses are kept behind closets, meaning that Eilat residents are all hospitality-minded, whether or not 80% of the city’s residents are directly involved in tourism or hospitality.
Campaign Duration
Winter 2016+-2017 between the months of November and March
This campaign was a great success beyond any expectations, so much so that it was adopted by the city as the official tourism slogan of Eilat and became the name of the official Facebook page for Eilat Tourism.